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7208 Harbingers Blighted

will come, blighting our harbingers of spring,Looms in the air, deliberate and slow,Life, or only joy, that stands outOf observation lying on the groundI seek, above all, in the wanderingOne flash of eye, or blow one clarion-blast;In Winter Haven, the ballplayers are stretchingStunned in their voiceless way to be alivewhose soft bristles graze the top-racks.I know,Cascading snowflakes settle in the pines,To pick up even the quickening of windXVII. GreenlandOf a far barn, just where the road curves sharplyMy soul lies cracked; and when, in its despair,It is as though I were at a second threshold.My keyhole blows a galeI might have happily lived some other childhood.Appendices
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